Serial No. 14
Title : The Role of The Da’i in Environment and Household Waste Management Campaign in Makassar, South Sulawesi
Author(s): Andi Isma; Asyraf Bin Haji Abd Rahman
Abstract: This study researches the concept and role of Da'i in campaigning for domestic waste management in Makassar City. In this study, Da'i or religious leader has the potential to invite the community to take appropriate actions in waste management. Da'i is considered capable of campaigning for waste management for the community. This conceptual framework shows that the achievement of the strategy for developing the role of Da'i in campaigning for domestic waste management goes through two processes. The first is a quantitative analysis to find public knowledge and awareness of waste management. In addition, researchers also examine the knowledge and behavior of Da'i in campaigning for waste management. This research is conducted by distributing questionnaires to the respondents. Second, qualitative analysis to find the role of Da'i in campaigning for domestic waste management through interviews conducted directly with religious leaders and Da'wah Institutions. Da'i can have a role in developing public knowledge about waste management and can practically produce good attitudes and behavior towards waste management.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.2.2022.14 
Serial No. 15
Title : The Influence of CNY in RCEP Countries Based on the Trade Pricing
Author(s): Hang Lyu; Mohamad Nasir Saludin
Abstract: The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) would conduce to increasing the investment and trade dependence of member countries. With the increasingly close economic and trade relations in East Asia, the dependence of East Asian countries on the United States and the European Union would decrease to a certain extent. Meanwhile, it would also affect the status of the U.S. dollar, euro and sterling in Asia. The China Yuan (CNY), by contrast, would be more widespread. This would further accelerate the process of CNY internationalization. The purpose of this paper is to test whether the CNY could serve as a trade invoicing currency in RCEP countries in the context of China's deep involvement in the Asian value chain. Thus, it could provide a basis for China to enhance the regional influence of the CNY through the trade channel in the short term. Based on the structure of the Asian value chain and the role of CNY in Asia, this article would focus on the pricing paradigm framework of intra-regional trade in RCEP countries. Taking trade pricing as the entry point, this article would study the influence of CNY exchange rate fluctuations on intra-regional trade in RCEP countries. In addition, this article would discuss whether it could enhance the influence of CNY in RCEP countries through trade channels, so as to provide a foothold for promoting the internationalization of CNY in the short term.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.2.2022.15 
Serial No. 16
Title : Baznas Breakthrough in Enhancing the Indonesian Mustahik Database System: Analysis of Prospects and Difficulties
Author(s): Herdifa Pratama; Johari
Abstract: ThThe importance of Baznas having valid Mustahik data has made Baznas make a breakthrough in the form of sharing data with the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. The homogeneity of these two data is an indication of research that has a practical goal in increasing zakat distribution in Indonesia. This study aims to identify opportunities and challenges that may occur in data breakthroughs that must be carried out by Baznas. This study employed a qualitative approach and data obtained through a literature study of Baznas publications. The data were processed through content analysis techniques to obtain a comprehensive picture of the prospects and difficulties in enhancing the Indonesian Mustahik database system related to indicators of community welfare. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the concept of enhancing the Indonesian Mustahik database system in addition to several opportunities covering aspects of zakat management, economic development, education, health, and human rights enforcement also presents several challenges such as multiple data integration, quality of amil resources, the need for supporting facilities, and data security. These two things are things that Baznas must pay attention to in order to alleviate poverty through enhancing the Indonesian Mustahik database system.
DOI : 0.38198/JMS/1.2.2022.16 
Serial No. 17
Title : Influence Of Incivility on Counterproductive Work Behaviour at The Workplace: In the Occurrence of Emotional Dissonance and Psychological Capital
Author(s): Iqra Zafeer; Saba Mushtaq
Abstract: It has been hypothesized previously that incivility has several negative consequences on employee outcomes and it has been observed due to incivility employees and organizations are seriously victimized. Thus, little is known about how emotions are affected by workplace incivility so the present study is going to examine the impact of workplace incivility on counterproductive work behaviour in the presence of psychological capital as moderator and emotional dissonance as mediator. Time lagged longitudinal research has been conducted therefore, 259 employees were approached from the private sector and a convenient nonprobability sampling technique has been used to distribute self-administered questionnaires. Results of this study depicted a positive relationship between incivility with emotional dissonance and counterproductive work behaviour and negatively related with psychological capital, furthermore study shows psychological capital is required to refrain from the negative reaction of incivility to overcome stress. Research limitations and potential directions for future researchers are also discussed, to sum up, this study.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.2.2022.17 
Serial No. 18
Title : Market Positioning Attributes on the Intention of Waqf to Higher Education Institutions
Author(s): Noor Hidayah Zainudin; Nor Razuana Amram; Nazihah Wan Azman
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of market positioning attributes (service quality, quantity, image and brand personality) on the intention of waqf to higher education institutions (HEIs). Means-end Theory by Gutman, and Reynolds and Olson were used in this study to describe the attributes. This study used model development as its research design. In order to address the study objectives, the study uses qualitative approach based on means-end theory and analysis content. The findings indicated that the service quality, quantity, image and brand personality attributes has influenced to the intention of waqf to HEIs. In conclusion, market positioning attribute significantly influenced the intention of waqf. In implication, to increase the intention of waqf to HEIs among Muslims, the HEIs need to take into account the role of market positioning attributes in formulating the promotional programs. Eventually, the linkage between attributes, consequences and values are established to assist authority waqf bodies to encourage Muslim to contribute waqf for society’s benefits.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.2.2022.18 
Serial No. 19
Title : COVID-19 PANDEMIC: The Politics of Cross Border Crime
Author(s): Mohd Mizan bin Mohammad Aslam
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of market positioning attributes (service quality, quantity, image and brand personality) on the intention of waqf to higher education institutions (HEIs). Means-end Theory by Gutman, and Reynolds and Olson were used in this study to describe the attributes. This study used model development as its research design. In order to address the study objectives, the study uses qualitative approach based on means-end theory and analysis content. The findings indicated that the service quality, quantity, image and brand personality attributes has influenced to the intention of waqf to HEIs. In conclusion, market positioning attribute significantly influenced the intention of waqf. In implication, to increase the intention of waqf to HEIs among Muslims, the HEIs need to take into account the role of market positioning attributes in formulating the promotional programs. Eventually, the linkage between attributes, consequences and values are established to assist authority waqf bodies to encourage Muslim to contribute waqf for society’s benefits.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.2.2022.19 
Serial No. 20
Title : Cognitive Competency in Entrepreneurship Skill Among the Lecturers in Perak College Community Malaysia
Author(s): Rafidah Mohd Basir; Salina Abu Bakar; Siti Saleha Abdul Asiz; Yufiza Mohd Yusof
Abstract: Entrepreneurship Education can develop skills in a broad set of competences applicable to life, work and learning about how to run a business. Learning, teaching and training will build the entrepreneurial attitudes, knowledge and behaviours among the lecturers whether with or without a commercial objective. The purpose of this study to see the cognitive competency in the entrepreneurship skills among the lecturers in Perak Community College, Malaysia. A total of 128 respondents were involved in this study which are Sungai Siput Community College, Cenderoh Community College and Pasir Salak Community College. This study is a descriptive and questionnaire were distributed to obtain feedback. The data was analysis using SPSS v22, to find the mean score and correlation to see the significant relationship with the responded. The findings of this research show that the level of cognitive competency in entrepreneurial skills among the lectures in the Perak College Community, Malaysia show a score mean of 4.19 point with a medium high score. The research with r=0.419, p=0.00<0.01 shows that there is a no significant correlection between gender and Cognitive Competency, and no significant correlection between age and Cognitive Competency r=0.247, p=0.005<0.01 Therefore both hpyotesis is rejected. Meanwhile the significant correlation between years of teaching shows a positive correlation with a r=0.030, p=0.735>0.05. Whereas significant correlection between academic background and Cognitive Competency with r=0.171, p=0.053>0.05, shows a minor correlation between academic background and creativity. Therefore both hpyotesis are accepted. As a conclusion the researchers feel that lecturers’ skills level need to be improved for them to be more committed in teaching and learning entrepreneurship module. The training should a collaboration between lecturers and industrial company as to get more knowledge and suits the industrial requirement, to build-up holistic individual with entrepreneurship characteristics.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.2.2022.20 
Serial No. 21
Title : Level of Satisfaction Towards Five Dimension of Service Quality in Private Learning Institutions in Perak
Author(s): Salihuddin Bin Bismelah
Abstract: This study is a survey conducted on students’ study at the two of private higher learning institution. The purpose of this survey is to measure the level of satisfaction of students towards the quality of study private higher learning institution through the five-dimension quality which is tangible, reliability, assurance, responsiveness and empathy in Perak. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed to students staying at this universities. The data obtained were analysed using the Statistical Packages for Social Science (SPSS) version 23.0 and the analytical methods used were frequency and descriptive analysis. Furthermore, the SERVQUAL model is used in this study in order to measure the level of student satisfaction towards the quality of universities services. The quality dimensions tested are tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. The overall findings show that the level of satisfaction of students towards the quality of universities services at two of the private higher learning institutions in Perak is too low.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.2.2022.21 
Serial No. 22
Title : Mobilizing Subnational Resources in Nigeria’s South-East Zone: The Case of Imo State
Author(s): Emeka Osuji; Stanley Emife Nwani
Abstract: Most of Nigeria’s 36 states are dependent on the Federal Government for the bulk of their revenue. This is an aberration as they are supposed to meet their fiscal obligations from Internally Generated Revenue (IGR), augmented by funds from the Federation Account Allocation Committee (FAAC). Revenue from FAAC, which was supposed to be secondary, has become the mainstay of most states. Only a handful of them come close to meeting their financial obligations from IGR, casting a shadow of insolvency across the states. With the recent pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its disruptions in the global economy, FAAC has dwindled significantly, compelling Nigeria and her subnational to look inwards towards sustainability. This study uses the descriptive data analysis method to examine the revenue performance of states in Nigeria's southeast, to advance strategies for increased IGR mobilization. It was found that on average, IGR was only 22 per cent of the total revenue of the states, based on 2018 revenue data. Ebonyi state had the lowest IGR contribution to total revenue at 12 per cent, while Enugu led at 29 per cent. Imo had the highest IGR Cumulative Average Growth Rate over the ten years to 2018 but was the most indebted. The poor IGR outcome is linked to weak revenue mobilization capacity, narrow tax net, rampant revenue leakages due to corruption and low technology application. Tax law reform and the use of technology are among the key recommendations along with fiscal management capacity building.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.2.2022.22 
Serial No. 23
Title : Drivers of Consumer Behaviour in Using E-shopping during the Covid-19 Pandemic
Author(s): Foo Meow Yee; Lee Kwee Fah; Wong Jei Han
Abstract: This study aims to examine four factors that drive consumers to engage in e-shopping during the Covid-19 pandemic. The factors are environmental concern, ethical responsibility, lack of alternatives, and panic buying. This survey focused on consumers who have online shopping experience. A total of 241 responses were received. The data was analysed using SPSS version 27 and SmartPLS 3 for descriptive and inferential analyses, respectively. The findings show that environmental concern, ethical responsibility, and lack of alternatives significantly correlate with consumer behavior to use e-shopping during the pandemic. However, panic buying did not significantly influence consumers to shop online during the pandemic. The research findings will contribute to the managerial implications for online retailers with insightful information. It can be used by the consumers as the guideline for e-shopping in their future transactions. The research limitations and recommendations for future research are discussed in the final section.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.2.2022.23 
Serial No. 24
Title : The Relationship of Job Satisfaction and Motivation Towards Employees’ Engagement in SME Masjid Tanah, Melaka
Author(s): Hamidah binti Norman; Muhammad Tarmizi Ripin; Muhammad Yasin Omar Mokhtar; Suzana binti Ab Rahman; Suhailah binti Ibrahim
Abstract: This study was conducted to find out the relationship between job satisfaction and motivation towards the engagement of employees at SME Bandar Masjid Tanah. This is to see whether or not there is a relationship between job satisfaction and motivation towards employee involvement in the area. In conclusion, this study has proven that there is a positive and significant relationship that is the relationship between job satisfaction and motivation towards employee engagement at the Masjid Tanah SME based on the correlation analysis that has been conducted.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.2.2022.24 
Serial No. 25
Title : Factors impacting the effectiveness of training programs amongst different age and gender groups in Oil and Gas group companies in Abu Dhabi, UAE
Author(s): Kamran Yaqoob; Khunsa Hayat
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to learn more about the "Aspects Underlying the Effectiveness of Training Programs for UAE Nationals in Oil and Gas Group Companies in Abu Dhabi, UAE." The primary goal of this study is to look at the sub-factors that go into Organization Support in Oil and Gas Group Companies in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The analysis' data was gathered from the UAE Oil and Gas Companies in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The sample was selected from a database of 980 trainees provided by the institute in charge of Process Operator and Technician training. This research found a link between transfer of training and training effectiveness or UAE nationals working for Oil and Gas Group Companies in Abu Dhabi, UAE. This present research study was meant to investigate the positive effects of Organization Support, and Transfer of Training-on-Training effectiveness. All the relationship is supported through statistical analysis. A well-assessed training program paves a path for the effectiveness of training that ultimately transforms into improved organizational performance. Transferring training and applying what is taught to work processes offers a competitive edge. As a consequence, their results from two independent sets (statistical technique essential for research method using the positivist paradigm) corroborated all of the associations. The study contributed in organizational support which is critical for training efficacy, as all such attempts to offer training for the employees are undertaken by the business.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.2.2022.25 
Serial No. 26
Title : The Job Characteristics Model: An Extension to Physical education Teachers Motivation
Author(s): Abdullah Khalid Salaudin; Azlan Ahmad Kamal; Mawarni Mohammad
Abstract: This article is designed to enhance understanding about how job characteristics motivate physical education teachers. This is an important area of research because Ministry of Education Malaysia invest so much time and money into the creation and development of their physical education teachers and it is important to understand how the work they do relates to their motivation. We applied the organizational behavior concepts of the Job Characteristics Model developed by Hackman and Oldham (1975) to physical education teachers in order to better understand the work of physical education teachers and raise awareness of this important gap in the literature. Our hope is that the proposed research agenda will spark interest in and contribute to the legitimacy of physical education as a field of research.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.2.2022.26 
Serial No. 27
Title : The Level of Job Performance, Job Satisfaction, Personality Traits and Leadership Behaviors That Influence the Performance of the Physical Education Teachers at the Secondary Schools in Selangor
Author(s): Abdullah Khalid; Azlan; Zarizi
Abstract: This article is designed to enhance understanding about how job characteristics motivate physical education teachers. This is an important area of research because Ministry of Education Malaysia invest so much time and money into the creation and development of their physical education teachers and it is important to understand how the work they do relates to their motivation. We applied the organizational behavior concepts of the Job Characteristics Model developed by Hackman and Oldham (1975) to physical education teachers in order to better understand the work of physical education teachers and raise awareness of this important gap in the literature. Our hope is that the proposed research agenda will spark interest in and contribute to the legitimacy of physical education as a field of research.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.2.2022.27 
Serial No. 28
Title : Does Internal and External Factors Matter for Student's English Skill? The Moderating Role of Teaching Style
Author(s): Yudit Ayu Respati; Joko Kumoro; Rr Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma; Wahyu Rusdiyanto; Purwanto
Abstract: The rapid advancement of knowledge and technology has made communication more open. This situation provides an excellent opportunity for anyone to compete internationally. One of the ways to compete at the international level is to master English. This study aims to analyze the effect of internal and external motivation on students' English skills. This study used a different approach by using the lecturer's teaching style as a moderating variable. This research was explanatory using a quantitative approach. Data were collected through a questionnaire and used a Likert scale. The sample of this research was second-year students of the Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Partial Least Square (PLS) was used as a data analysis technique in this study with the help of Smart PLS software. The results showed that students' internal and external motivation influenced English skills. In addition, this study also confirms that lecturers' teaching style has a direct positive effect on English skills. Furthermore, the lecturer's teaching style indirectly moderates the relationship between self-awareness, personal goal setting, and parental expectations. The dual role of this teaching style proves the importance of the role of a lecturer in student success.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.2.2022.28 
Serial No. 29
Title : From the Past to the Present: Livestock Loan Activity among the Modern Malays through Sistem Pawah
Author(s): Abdul Mutalib Embong; Kais Amir Kadim; Ameer Farhan Mohd Arzaman; Han Jung Shun; Leekky Michin; Wan Zulkifli Wan Kassim; Muhammad Afifuddin Pi Remli; Muhamad Khairul Zakaria; Nur Yuhanis Mohd Nasir; Nurul Ashikin Abdul Kadir; Loi Hoang Huy Phuoc Pham; Zamanuddin Zakaria; Juliani Hussain; Syahrul ‘Alim Baharuddin; Norzamziah Afzainizam; Hasfa Zaima Azizan; Norazidah Ismail; Muhammad Salaebing
Abstract: Orang Melayu or the Malays are an Austronesian ethnic group inborn to Malay Peninsula eastern Sumatra, and coastal Borneo, and some other small islands that lie between these areas that are communally identified as the Malay land. Trading system in the land began as early as 6th/7th century AD with the rise of entrepots and feeder points. Among the Malay peasants, they had a unique livestock loan activity or Sistem Pawah which benefited both parties: the loanee and loaner. It was conducted without the intervention of money as a medium of exchange. This paper discusses Sistem Pawah which has still being practiced by the modern Malay community. Several interviews and questionnaire were made with 23 loanees and 15 loaners of Sistem Pawah that being envisaged: amongst are assessing disclosure agreement, territorial right and renewal and termination. The study also presents the ethics of business and culture, or the impact of Malay/Islamic values on the business, within the scope of Malay community. From the study, it was found that Sistem Pawah has its own uniqueness despite the conventional values and proportions as it suggests. By inheriting the business shrewdness from their ancestors, coupled with support provided by government, the Malay peasants succeeded in gaining their portion on the financial economic sector. The showcase can be seen from the involvement of agencies and individuals in the pawah activity. Yet, it shows a disparity where the Malays do not have a cohesive group to help each other and enhance their activities prowess in this business. Prior to that a model for the pawah livestock system is proposed so that it can be an exclusive entrepreneurial scheme for the involved people.