Serial No. 14
Title: Develop "Approach" - Backbone of Strategy Making
Author(s): Muhamad Fairos Mohamad Shah; Zareen Amir
Abstract: A winning strategy is more important than ever for firms. This goal can be attained in part by using the process you decide on for strategy creation. This article defines the process of developing a strategy along the continuum between purposeful practice and emergent strategy. By conducting in-depth interviews with "key whistleblowers" (CEOs of businesses) and interviewers (managers) within the organizations themselves, statistical tools have allowed us to reach some surprising findings regarding the processes involved in formulating strategies. such as the elements of these processes and the variables that affect the method of strategy formulation choosing. Via factor analysis, three ideas—"performance consensus," "specificity of goals and methods," and "flexibility of goals and means"—are utilized to illustrate how the development strategy was put together. While "flexibility of aims and means" has typically been linked to emerging strategies, the "ends, and means of specificity" approach has traditionally been linked to well-thought-out methods. Both tactics were referred to as having the same level of consensus efficacy. Factors like "Preferred risk tolerance," "Comfort paired with stability and predictability," and "preferred largely autonomous or individual conduct" also demonstrate differences in approach. And last, "business size," "CEO Influence," and "environmental insecurity" control the process of developing a plan. When managers know the optimal procedure for developing strategies, they can be adaptable. It is better to be aware of the advantages each technique might provide rather than picking one over the other. A continuously changing environment puts pressure on the implementation of new tactics; therefore, performance agreement is crucial for successful application.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.2.2023.14 
Serial No. 15
Title: Implementation of Pembelajaran Islam Sepanjang Hayat in Community College Malaysia Ministry of Education
Author(s): Yufiza Mohd Yusof; Rafidah Mohd Basir; Saleha Abd Asis; Zamaruzaman Mohamad
Abstract: Community College was entrusted as a hub for the implementation of Pembelajaran Islam Sepanjang Hayat for educational institutions in Malaysia and its implementation began in 2014. This education system Lifelong Islamic Education aims to develop a balanced person through the process of intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and physical cultivation that performs a role in life solely because of Allah, with full sincerity. Several Tahfiz Schools, Maahad Schools, and Pondok Schools have been selected and involved in this study. This involves creating the curriculum, appropriate teaching staff, and use of the premises as well as the involvement of the entire college and school staff. This research aims to identify the number of Lifelong Islamic Education courses and the collaborations with external institutions, identify the number of skills courses offered to religious institution students, identify the number of participants involved in the Lifelong Islamic Education program, and identify the effectiveness of Lifelong Islamic Education on the community. Finally, this study would like to see what impact the implementation of Lifelong Islamic Education has on the community in Phase 1. All 7 Community College Regions representing all Community Colleges in Malaysia are involved as respondents in the data collection and collection process. It is hoped that the implementation of Lifelong Islamic Education at the community college can provide exposure to the knowledge of technical and entrepreneurship skills to participants from religious institutions, it also provides an opportunity for the local community to study religious knowledge continuously. Next, hopefully, the hopes or ideals of TPM can be effectively realized so that the Muslim community in Malaysia is ready to change, i.e., by restoring the spirit of learning and exploring knowledge without age limits, even though they have long left school or formal education.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.2.2023.15 
Serial No. 16
Title: Describe Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness
Author(s): Muhamad Fairos Mohamad Shah; Jesmin Akter
Abstract: It is commonly known and acknowledged that carefully considered strategy formulation is a key success factor for an organization in the cutthroat business environment. Successful strategies are developed in the majority of successful organizations utilizing "Environment Analysis," which is a thorough review of information using a variety of models and approaches. The fundamentals of "Environment Analysis" and many widely used models and methodologies are summarized in this research study article. A crucial functional area of management is strategic management. The process of formulating strategies is the core of strategic management for any organization, and decision-making is crucial to have timely and appropriate strategies. An organization can identify potential threats and opportunities by scanning its external environment; it can also identify its strengths and weaknesses by conducting an internal assessment. It is possible to identify informal sources and the information they create, developing problems, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of an existing system. This Paper is the result of knowledge, information, and concepts gathered by analysis of numerous pieces of current literature, including research papers, journals, and articles. Future studies that examine the consequences of various models and methods of environment analysis and their relative benefits and difficulties can be made in light of this limitation. Moreover, researchers might conduct empirical studies relevant to the uses of environment analysis models and methodologies.
DOI :10.38198/JMS/2.2.2023.16 
Serial No. 17
Title: Fruit Injections on Transdisciplinary Perspective (Study of Biological and Socio-Sharia Law Economic)
Author(s): Husain Insawan
Abstract: This study aims to determine the content of saccharin and cyclamate fluids in injected fruit and to analyze an Islamic economic perspective on injected fruit, as well as to analyze the legal status of injected fruit in Konawe Regency. This study uses a mixed method which collects and analyzes data obtained quantitatively and qualitatively as well as laboratory tests by taking the steps of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions and verification.The results showed that the analysis of the contents of saccharin and cyclamate in apples, grapes, and watermelons, did not find any saccharin and cyclamate sweeteners in the samples. Injected fruit that already contains saccharin and cyclamate is not in line with the values and principles of Islamic economics, especially the values and principles of halalan thayyiban, dharar, and tadlis as well as the business principles of tazkiyah. The legal status of injectable fruit containing saccharin and cyclamate is haram and violates the principle of maslahah mursalah because it does not maintain maqashid sharia, especially protecting the soul, mind and offspring.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.2.2023.17 
Serial No. 18
Title: The Impact of Work Time Flexibility on Employees’ Performance In Malaysia
Author(s): Naomi Nigatu Tiruneh
Abstract: This research was designed to obtain intimate knowledge of how employees feel toward the establishment of flexibility in the working environment. The definition of work flexibility in this study term refers to moderate working hours such as 25-30 hours weekly, and allowance to implement a system that would allow working-class families, such as single mums/dads, or newly married couples to be hired on part-time bases, so that they can balance their time between work, and private life. The literature review discusses various contextual factors that impact employee perceptions, such as public and organizational context and management and colleague support. It further explores outcomes such as work-life balance and discusses the existing theories on work effort change and work intensification in relation to flexible work arrangements. It ends with a discussion on the role of individual factors such as personality, motivation, life situation and gender.
DOI : 110.38198/JMS/2.2.2023.18 
Serial No. 19
Title: Board Attributes and Performance of Financial and Non-Financial Companies in Nigeria
Author(s): Adewumi Otonne; Adebunmi R. Arije; Ige O. Tosin
Abstract: The issue of corporate governance resurfaced because of the global crisis that affected organisations across the globe. The management of an organisation plays a vital role in its survival. Therefore, the study examined the effect of Board attributes on the organisation's performance in financial and non-financial sectors. The study employed the Generalised Method of Moments (GMM), Panel Estimators (Fixed effect, random Effect and Pooled ordinary least square), Panel Generalised Least Square (PGLS)-Panel Corrected Standard Error Estimator (PCSE) using data obtained from the financial statements of the fifteen different companies from 2008 to 2021. Findings from the empirical investigation show that in the panel of all firms having more women on the board adversely affects financial performance, whereas having more independent directors boosts financial performance. Comparing the impact of Board attributes on financial performance between financial and non-financial firms, the chairman doubling as CEO, the size of the members, and more women on the board are all adverse determinants of financial performance in nonfinancial companies. On the other hand, having more independent board members is a positive determinant of financial performance in non-financial firms. This is different from what is obtainable in financial firms as all the attributes have a negligible effect on firm performance, except board size, which adversely determines financial performance. This study underscores the importance of selecting competent, independent directors, focusing on the quality and expertise of women for board membership rather than merely aiming for board diversity and maintaining a small board size to enhance financial performance in the listed firms in Nigeria.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.2.2023.19 
Serial No.20
Title: Predicting Malaysian University Performance Through Intranet Quality: A Review on Mediating Role of Enterprise Risk Management
Author(s): Ummu Ajirah Abdul Rauf; Ainul Huda Jamil; Mazzlida Mat Deli; Maryam Jamilah Asha’ari; Mohammad Nurul Hassan Reza; Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah
Abstract: There is a limited study that investigate the impact of intranet quality (IQ) and enterprise risk management (ERM) towards performance of Malaysian university. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to predict Malaysian university performance through IQ by reviewing the ERM as a mediator. The results of this study demonstrate that intranet quality and ERM contribute to improving the Malaysian university performance. Malaysian university performance includes the income generated from research projects, consultancies, government and private funding, commercialization and fees from program offered. Within the research fields of IQ, ERM, and Malaysian university performance, this study proposes a conceptual model that was created based on findings of a literature review. By linking the IQ to ERM in order to boost university performance, this work enriches the body of existing theories. This study presents a model where IQ positively affects university performance; and ERM mediates the relationship between IQ and university performance. This study considers IQ and ERM as an important attribute of university, thus may have significant implications for practitioners in university to implement ERM in their organization. The conceptual model presented in this study could be helpful to risk practitioners and higher education who are considering implementing ERM in their institutions to improve performance. This study provides new perspectives through examining the relationship between IQ and ERM towards Malaysian university performance.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.1.2023.20 
Serial No. 21
Title: The Impact of Despotic Leadership on Perceived Exploitation Among Health Workers: Role of Emotional Exhaustion and Perceived Organizational Support
Author(s): Khunsa Hayat; Kamran Yaqub
Abstract: This paper examined the impact of despotic leadership (DL) on employee perceptions of exploitation (PE), with emotional exhaustion (EE) as mediator and perceived organizational support (POS) as moderators. This study employed a PLS-SEM partial least square structural equation modeling approach to test the assumptions on a sample of 341 health professionals of Pakistan. This study's findings show a substantial link between employees' perceptions of exploitation and DL. The data demonstrate a favorable and substantial impact of DL on EE. Even when EE serves as a mediator, the findings still point to the importance of DL and a sense of exploitation. Furthermore, this study found a significant moderating role of POS in the relationship between DL and EE so that, at a high-level emotional exhaustion, feeling accompanied towards the organization creates a differentiation on perceived exploitation. When employees are emotionally exhausted, the link between a supervisor's despotism and their perception of exploitation strengthens. Health care organizations should benefit greatly from these findings because they could help reduce the EE of subordinates under DL by offering support systems that help them cope. A discussion of the article's implications and limitations is included as well.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.2.2023.21 
Serial No. 22
Title: Waste Management and Business Sustainability Performance: Moderating Role of Organisation Age
Author(s): Maryam Jamilah Asha’ari; Salina Daud; ‘Ainul Huda Jamil; Mazzlida Mat Deli; Ummu Ajirah Abdul Rauf; Siti Intan Nurdiana Wong Abdullah
Abstract: The chemical manufacturing sector in Malaysia is among the industries that actively pursue sustainable practices. Waste management aids personnel in upholding the principles of sustainability within a company, while simultaneously fulfilling industrial requirements. This study investigates the impact of waste management practises on business sustainability performance, with organisation age serving as a moderating factor. In the country of Malaysia, a total of 366 chemical manufacturing enterprises were identified for the purpose of this study. The researchers employed a stratified random sampling technique to choose a representative sample from this population. A Partial Least Squares (PLS) analysis was conducted on a sample of 130 questionnaires that were completed. The data indicate that there is no relationship between the age of an organisation and there is an improvement of business sustainability through waste management. In order to ensure sustainability, chemical manufacturers must incorporate effective waste management practices. Incorporation into organisational strategies is crucial. This study was anticipated to provide assistance to chemical manufacturers in selecting environmentally conscious practices that align with their business sustainability performance objectives.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.2.2023.22 
Serial No. 23
Title: The Impact of Self-Efficacy on The Connection Between Social Media Usage and Digital Literacy in Relation to Academic Performance Among Students
Author(s): Du Jin; Faridah Ibrahim
Abstract: As Internet technology continues to advance, devices, websites and software are becoming increasingly important in daily lives. Social media in particular plays an important role among Internet users. Social media platforms are used for a variety of purposes, such as creating and sharing blogs, photos and videos, and finding news and information. For students, social media has become an integral part of their lives, with some students spending several hours a day on these platforms. The way in which social media is used and what it is used for has had a significant impact on the lives and studies of the students. At the same time, the digital literacy skills that students possess are critical to the use of social media. It is closely related to a user's ability to recognize, understand and appreciate online media content. For students who use social media for academic purposes, their level of digital literacy directly impacts their ability to effectively search for and understand information. In addition, students' self-efficacy is important to consider when influencing their academic performance. Social media use and users' level of digital literacy greatly influence their beliefs about their abilities (self-efficacy), which are closely related to their academic performance. This study aims to investigate the mediating role of students' self-efficacy in the relationship between their social media usage, digital literacy level, and academic performance in higher education.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.2.2023.23 
Serial No. 24
Title: Nurturing Future Innovation: Transformative Approaches to Enhance Entrepreneurial Readiness in Education
Author(s): Sulasmi; Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma
Abstract: This study aims to explore entrepreneurship learning methods that can improve entrepreneurial readiness. The data collection technique used a survey. The research subjects involved 100 teachers and lecturers who teach entrepreneurship. Data analysis techniques using descriptive statistics. The results of this study indicate that: (1) entrepreneurship learning needs to be implemented early, (2) entrepreneurship learning at the elementary level through an incidental Market Day program, at the junior high school level in arts and crafts subjects, at the high school level, entrepreneurship learning is included in Workshop and Entrepreneurship subjects, and in tertiary institutions has a greater portion in entrepreneurship courses as general courses (MKU), entrepreneurship practicum, and extracurricular activities that have accommodated entrepreneurship learning, (3) learning methods that are often used in entrepreneurship learning are Project-Based Learning, Discussion, Lectures, Practicum, Role Play, Demonstration and simulation, (4) Elements in entrepreneurship learning include Steps in creating a company, namely Creating Company, organizational structure, Market Analysis, product development, Financial management, Personnel management and Making business reports, (5) entrepreneurship learning must be able to improve entrepreneurial readiness which includes: business managerial, dare to take business risks, can read opportunities, creativity, innovation power and integrity.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.1.2023.24 
Serial No. 25
Title: The Effectiveness of Gamification in Teaching and Learning English As A Second Language
Author(s): Syazrin Syimee Sharifuddin; M. Hussin Abdullah
Abstract: Employing digital or non-digital game elements in the learning environment to boost students’ engagement and participation is very important to achieve specific and specified learning objectives. In a world where technology is touching nearly every element of life, gamification or game-based learning has supported learning skills, and provided opportunities for students to learn and practice soft skills through teamwork within games. One of the main challenges in the English language classroom is the lack of active participation from all students due to fear of making mistakes, shyness, and anxiety. They lack confidence and are afraid to speak the language which can impede the learning objective. Most of the time only the same group of students will contribute to the activities carried out in the classroom. This paper aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of gamification in enhancing students' learning interest, motivation, and engagement in learning English as a Second Language (ESL). An intervention was carried out among Form 4 students from 2 classes (in total of 40 students). Gamification applications such as Class Dojo and Genially were used in the English language lesson. The primary purpose of integrating game-based learning is to give students a different learning experience. It helps to make students motivated during the lesson, enhancing friendly competition among peers and promoting a fun way of learning. After the teaching sessions, students were given a questionnaire to find out their perception of how gamification influences their learning behavior during the ESL lesson. The feedback indicated that gamification has a positive effect on the students, and it can significantly increase their learning interest, motivation, and engagement levels, leading to improved learning outcomes in the English language. In addition, they felt that this new technique of learning was interesting, innovative, and enjoyable, hence enhancing their learning interest in the subject. This shows that gamification can be an effective way to stimulate ESL learners in increasing students’ learning interest, motivation, and engagement in the classroom.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.1.2023.25 
Serial No. 26
Title: Proposed Business Growth Management Strategy for Jafa Indonesia Juara
Author(s): Ilham Ramadan Pandu Setia Negara Siregar
Abstract: Indonesia is a country that has a lower middle income. The Indonesian economy itself is supported by Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). In 2019, the number of MSMEs in Indonesia reached 99.9% of the established business units in Indonesia. Many companies in Indonesia are trying to upgrade from MSMEs to large companies. One company that is growing and trying to develop is Jafa Indonesia Juara (JAFA) an MSME engaged in the service of making uniform sports (jersey) football that was established in January 2013. JAFA certainly has the desire to continue to increase the scale of the company. The purpose of this research is to provide results in the form of developing recommendations for JAFA to improve growth management in the future. This research uses qualitative research methods with primary and secondary data observation through literature and document studies. The data analysis approach obtained was carried out with the actual situation of the object under study. Based on direct interviews conducted by the researcher with the Director of JAFA, was the beginning of the growth of JAFA in the Covid-19 pandemic era where JAFA's revenue of IDR 130 million. This is JAFA’s biggest revenue during 2020. This is a starting point for JAFA to continue to grow. The researcher makes sure to put it in the research limitation. There are two main concerns of data collection: (1) Regarding the top-level management (C-level) and (2) Regarding the growing pains in the organization. This topic describes an important part of the business unit's sustainability so that the researcher can study a business unit seen from the company side of the “growing” phase.