Serial No. 01
Title : Strategic Management of the Application of Information Technology in the Retail Market
Author(s): Hsiang-Ting Su
Abstract: This study uses the information technology (IT) adoption methods to apply the marketing strategy for retail market. The purpose is to reduce lower cost and enhance production and marketing efficiency. The retailing competitive strategy has become increasingly blurred with conflicting trends, diversity in the service, price transparency, emphasis on fast, convenient times and all the formats working in the information technology and using more services and integration. In addition to the strengthening of internal management mechanisms and processes, identifying positive innovation in the business model and integrate goods and services of the actual situation gaps. This study is the key issues and managerial challenges related to retailing marketing innovations.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.1.2022.1 
Serial No. 02
Title : The Effect of Service Quality on Delivery Order (DO) System on Farmer Satisfaction with Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFBs) of Palm Oil in CV. Satria Abadi in Tanjung Jabung Timur, Jambi Province, Indonesia
Author(s): Wella Sandria; Andi Setiawan; Mohd. Nasir Saludin
Abstract: This study aims to determine the influence of service quality of the Delivery Order (DO) system, either partially or simultaneously, on the satisfaction of palm oil Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) suppliers. The research was carried out on CV. Satria Abadi in Tanjung Jabung Timur, Jambi Province. This study employed a quantitative approach, and data were obtained through interviews, observations, and questionnaires from 50 respondents on the effects of DO system service quality towards satisfaction of oil palm FFB supplying farmers at CV. Satria Abadi. The data were processed through multiple regression method with reliability (X1), responsiveness (X2), assurance (X3), empathy (X4), and tangible (X5) as independent variables (X), and farmer satisfaction as the dependent variable (Y). The results of this study indicated that the responsiveness variable was partially the main variable that affected the satisfaction of FFB supplying farmers with a value of 0.6175, followed by tangible (0.351), empathy (0.341), assurance (0.2615), and reliability (0.2224) variables. Simultaneously, the results showed that all constructs that made up the DO system service quality variable had a significant effect on the satisfaction of oil palm FFB supplying farmers at CV. Satria Abadi in Tanjung Jabung Timur (F count > F table or 83.165 > 4.043) with an R2 value of 0.822 or 82.2% of satisfaction of oil palm FFB supplying farmers at CV. Satria Abadi, which was explained by the service quality of the DO system.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.1.2022.2 
Serial No. 03
Title : Model Influence Finance and Location Strategy on Customer Relationship Management Performance Characteristic: An Actual Study among SMEs’ Logistic Operators
Author(s): Muhamad Fairos bin Mohamad Shah
Abstract: A new marketing strategy has been used in business where firms have shifted from a short-term transaction-oriented goal to building a long-term relationship goal in order to develop customer relationship. This involves creating and improving customer satisfaction, building brand trust and delivering winning customer value. Success with any of these strategies will result in high levels of repeat purchase, insulation from price increases and improved responsiveness to marketing communications by customers. In this study basic principle of ANOVA is test for differences among the means of the populations by examining the amount of variation within each of these samples, relative to the amount of variation between the samples. The dimensions for financial strategy factors are payment incentive, credit facility and discount. The populations of study are customer from a logistic company located at Pulau Pinang, Selangor and Johor Bharu. Simple random sampling was selected from the target populations. Data collection resulted in 391 respondent have answers from the customer of logistic company. Based on the finding, the result showed that, financial strategy are anchor factors in determining customer relationship management performance. Further study has important managerial implications as the findings will enable management of SMEs to understand progressive and highly varied Customer Relationship Management practices. Furthermore, it a future trend to understanding contextual factors that contribute to the Customer Relationship Management as well as effective, efficient and education execution.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.1.2022.3 
Serial No. 04
Title : Do China labor Laws favor its rural employees? A Review on China’s Employment Relations
Author(s): Prashant Singh; Ranjana Sharma; Jayasri Indiran
Abstract: Due to the fast development in economic systems in China, the change has resulted in the effects on labour relations in the Chinese economy. These economic reforms have posed a significant threat to state-owned enterprises (SOEs), forcing the government to take charge of the economy. Further, employees' interests, coastal regions, and rural areas are areas that the government has taken control of. Besides, China's entry into World Trade Organization (WTO) in the year 2001 has also had a substantial impact on the Chinese employment system. The optimum minimum wage present in the larger area differs from that of smaller regions. In addition, the lower districts have worse social protection and working conditions for workers. Despite this, the labour cost has increased in China, pushing foreign enterprises to de-localize the production unit to other neighbouring countries such as Bangladesh, Vietnam, Indonesia, or Malaysia. The Chinese communist party (CCP) is not interested in losing command over the economy and is concerned with maintaining the surplus export-oriented industry. Therefore, this research will look at how China government is taking a more decentralized and experimental approach towards solving the labour relation issues due to the changes that economic reforms have caused. Lastly, industrial relations in China have experienced a substantial alteration to the passage of time. With the absence of significant representation of unions in the enterprise, the IR in China is generally between the employer and the workers. Hence, the role of the state becomes crucial to handle the difference. Consequently, the state has adopted the experimentation and decentralized approach to address the issues, but still, the problem continues. SOEs and enterprises that have good government ties are far better with their older counterparts. This shows that significant exploitation is happening in those firms which are independent of the IR problems. Further, the article will look at the major causes of labour disputes in China and questions if the true level of labour disputes has been captured by official statistics.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.1.2022.4 
Serial No. 05
Title : The Sufficiency of Current Training Curriculum for Safety and Health Officer in Malaysia
Author(s): Sabri bin Zainuddin
Abstract: Reducing the incidence of industrial accidents is important because the question of workplace safety will be able to attract more foreign investment to the country. To achieve this goal, all parties need to play their respective roles, including employees and employers. Any negligence should be avoided in addition to the employer should also provide all security access in the workplace. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (OSHA), a competent Safety and Health Officer (SHO) is required to address safety and health issues in the workplace. However, having such qualifications to help manage workplace safety programs in a variety of industries with very different, challenging, and high-risk environments, seems inadequate. Therefore, a study was conducted to find answers to the question of eligibility and adequacy of an SHO training content to meet the needs of a very different and high-risk workplace and also the question of the adequacy of minimum academic qualifications to perform SHO tasks as specified in OSHA. Analysis of respondents' perceptions will show that the qualifications and content of current SHO training is sufficient to train safety and health officers to serve in various industries in the field of occupational safety and health to perform SHO duties as stipulated in the Occupational Safety and Health Officers Regulations and so on be a key factor in addressing the issue of fatal accidents and permanent disability in the workplace.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.1.2022.5 
Serial No. 06
Title : Linking HRD Policy to Organisational Strategy: The Mediating Role of Organizational Culture and Benefits to an Organization in the 21st Century
Author(s): Walusimbi Yunus
Abstract: In this competitive world, the survival of organizations today calls for the linkage between HRD policies with organizational strategy. This paper focuses on the need to create a linkage between HRD policy and organization strategy if the organization is to achieve success thru people. The study reviewed related literature in form of articles and papers with regard to HRD policy and organizational strategy and the mediating role. In establishing this linkage, the authors employed a qualitative systematic review with a Prisma in which the researcher’s reviewed literature that relates to the variable in the study to reach at a logical conclusion. The findings reveal that for an organization to be able to archive its objectives, its strategies must be informed by people factors which are a description of the ways in which you intend to develop your human resource because it is this human resource that contributes to organizational strategy in order for an organization to be able to achieve a competitive advantage which is the essence of strategy. HRD policies must well be linked to the strategy of the organization, in this linkage however it has been established that culture will play an important role in linking this relationship. The benefits that accrue out of this linkage are many like, higher productivity of the firm, it helps to drive organisational strategy and it also helps to drive cohesion which leads to success in the organisation.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.1.2022.6 
Serial No. 07
Title : The Dynamics of Corruption, Human Capital Development and Economic Performance in Nigeria
Author(s): Ibrahim Adeolu Bakare; Azuka Elvis Ozegbe
Abstract: This study examined the relationship among corruption, human capital development and Nigeria’s economic performance with the motivation to answer questions linked to empirical data reported in recent literature. The study deployed the Auto Regressive Distributed lag (ARDL) to test the short-run and long-run relationship among dependent and independent variables using annual time series data from the World Bank’s Development Indicators and the Central Bank of Nigeria over the period 1982 to 2020. Stemming from the empirical results, the short-run estimates revealed that human capital development, gross fixed capital formation, and government expenditure exert a positive and statistically significant impact on Nigeria’s economic performance. However, the long-run estimation results indicate that corruption, government expenditure and trade openness exert a negative impact on economic performance. In the nutshell, economic performance responds negatively to changes in the country’s level of corruption overtime. Nevertheless, it reacts positively to the changes in human capital development in the long-run. This implies that, with the availability of appropriate policies and resources, human capital development has the potential to massively enhance Nigeria’s economic performance in the long-run. The nature of linkage between corruption and economic performance through human capital development remains less defended in the economic and social literature.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.1.2022.7 
Serial No. 08
Title : The Psychological Contract and Employee Job Performance: The Role of Employee Involvement
Author(s): Walusimbi Yunus; Aerni Isa
Abstract: Many organisations today are bothered by how to ensure good employee performance whose main aim is to remain competitive given a stiff competitive environment. There has been growing belief that the psychological contract influences employee performance in an organisation without knowledge that this relationship can well be enhanced with employee involvement. This study specifically focused on the psychological contract and employee job performance with a focus on employee involvement and how it mediates between the adoption of the psychological contract and employee job performance in an organisation. In establishing this linkage, the authors employed a qualitative systematic review with a Prisma in which the researcher’s reviewed literature that relates to the variable in the study to reach at a logical conclusion. The findings revealed that while the psychological contract affects employee job performance, involving employee will result into more positive results to employee job performance. Where the psychological contract is positive and employees are well involved will lead to better employee job performance which will also have a positive impact on business performance.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.1.2022.8 
Serial No. 09
Title : Communication Strategy in Public Organizations in Malaysia
Author(s): Fazurah Mustaffa; Maizatul Haizan Mahbob; Wan Amiza Wan Mahmud
Abstract: The objective of this concept paper is to discuss the communication strategies used in public organizations in Malaysia. Communication is very important and is the heart of an organization. The importance of this communication is a key tool in achieving the goals set by a public organization and the diversity of the use of communication strategies into the successive gauge of an organization through the communication of organizations that they practice whether vertical communications, downward communication and horizontal communications. Every citizen of the organization needs to understand the forms and types of communication skills and strategies in public organizations including oral and non-verbal communication, small group communication, organizational culture communication, and public communication. Managers should understand communication techniques and strategies as they need to diversify leadership communication strategies and styles in public organizations.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.1.2022.9 
Serial No. 10
Title : The Relationship among Entrepreneurial Orientation, Learning Orientation and Performance of SMEs: A Case Study on Food SMEs in Padang City
Author(s): Rasidah Nasrah; Norasekin Ab Rashid; Mohammad Nasir Saludin
Abstract: The conditions of intense competition make businesses threatened. As a result, the existence of the business becomes something that must be maintained. It is important that entrepreneurial orientation is owned by every business owner, and is forwarded to a learning orientation so that the performance of the business can be improved. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and learning orientation, and to determine the relationship between learning orientation and business performance. This research used explanatory research, which is research used to determine has or hasn’t the effect exogenous variable on endogenous variables. Meanwhile, the exogenous variables in this study are Entrepreneurship Orientation and Learning Orientation, and the endogenous variables are SME Performance. This study used research method of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The collecting data is distributing questionnaires. This study uses a cross-sectional time horizon. The observation unit in this research is the owner of UKM Food in Padang City, while the sample in this research is 30 respondents. The results of the study found that entrepreneurial orientation had a significant effect on learning orientation, while learning orientation had no significant effect on business performance.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.1.2022.10 
Serial No. 11
Title : Faculty Members’ Perceptions toward Accreditation Process at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Indonesia: A Research Agenda
Author(s): Mahammad Absor; Hairunas
Abstract: This paper reviews current research on perceptions of faculty members toward an accreditation process at public university in Riau Province, Indonesia. This issue has been widely addressed by among academics and scholars in higher education sector since their perceptions toward an accreditation process intimately involved in the implementation of educational policies and informs the public whether the institution has met the standards established by national accrediting agency or not. Then, the aim of this paper is to develop a research agenda for the emergence of faculty members’ perceptions on an accreditation process in public universities in Indonesia Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). This is done by reviewing research and relevant literature on perceptions of faculty members, policies on accreditation model, top management strategies and challenges, and its benefits for institutional and government as well. The paper shows that there are a number of key debates in the general literature on the perceptions of faculty members to an accreditation process. However, this claim is still in early stage and needs to be investigated empirically. Limitation of this study in term of the source of data for literature review is based on secondary rather than primary sources. Obviously, this paper proposes a research agenda from the empirical findings and theory building to academics, accrediting agency and government.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.1.2022.11 
Serial No. 12
Title : Determining Change Agent using Social Network Analysis
Author(s): Mohamad Tarmizi Taib; Nur Ili Mohamad Tarmizi; Nur Sulaim Ashikin Mohamad Tarmizi
Abstract: The studies on organizational change had been one of the prominent studies in history. For an organization to stay relevant, they had to “change” to fit with the demands and supply in the market. However, despite knowing that change is compulsory for an organization to evolve, the successful rate of organizational change does not improve significantly. Organizations do not really understand what major factors contribute to their change failure and repetitive mistakes were done continuously. Finding a change agent can be a major help to focus on executing change. However, the classical method of selecting change agent is based on hierarchical level, seniority, and random selection. Therefore, this paper suggests an empirical method to select change agent through the method of Social Network Analysis (SNA). This paper proposes the concept of centrality as an important value to determine the right change agent to drive a successful change.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/1.1.2022.12 
Serial No. 13
Title : Multiple Intelligences-Based School Learning at MI Muhammadiyah PK Kartasura
Author(s): Jahroh; Baidi
Abstract: Multiple Intelligences are various skills and talents possessed by students in solving their learning problems so that students can solve learning problems amazingly. However, the application of Multiple Intelligences-based learning has not been widely applied in schools because not many people know the concepts and privileges of learning. And researchers have just found this school based on Multiple Intelligences in MI Muhammadiyah Kartasura or commonly called MIM PK Kartasura, so the researcher aims to describe the learning process and privileges of multiple intelligences-based schools at MI Muhammadiah PK Kartasura. This research uses the qualitative descriptive method. The data collection uses interview, observation, and documentation techniques. The results of the research obtained are, there are three stages in the Learning Process based on Multiple Intelligences, namely: the preparation stage, the implementation stage, and the assessment stage. While the feature of learning Multiple Intelligences is that teachers will get detailed information about the psychology of their students so that teachers should not look at students from one side but must look at the other side.