Serial No. 1
Title : Evaluating the Performance of Higher Education Institutions Through Significant Relationships Between the Five Dimensions of Service Quality
Author(s): Salihuddin Bismelah
Abstract: One of the important determinants of a country's competitiveness is the quality of its higher education. This quality comes from a combination of excellent learning processes and public satisfaction with the services delivered. Assessment of student satisfaction is important in determining the quality of services in higher education institutions (HEIs). Remaining competitive requires superior institutions of higher learning (HEIs) to continue to acquire, maintain and build stronger relationships with students. The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate student satisfaction with the services provided by IPT. Specifically, early studies found a significant relationship between the five dimensions of service quality (tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy) or SERVQUAL and student satisfaction. Even the signs generally show that the majority of students are satisfied with the facilities provided by the university. Such findings should help universities make better strategic plans to improve student satisfaction in particular and overall performance in general. In general, the study shows that all five dimensions of service quality are associated with student satisfaction.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.1.2023.1 
Serial No. 2
Title : Non-Muslim Perceptions of Interest in Becoming Customers at Islamic Banks (Case Study in Indonesia)
Author(s): Husain Insawan; Alwahidin; Muhammad Syaifullah
Abstract: This research aims to investigate the effect of cognitive, affective, and conative perception characteristics on the intention of non-Muslim groups to become customers of Islamic banks. Descriptive quantitative is utilized for this research. The Slovin sampling approach yielded a total sample size of 100 respondents from a population of 21,060 non-Muslims residing in Kendari. The test results indicate that the cognitive, affective, and normative perception variables have a substantial influence on the intention to become a customer of Islamic banks, both individually and collectively. The size of the influence of each variable on interest, namely cognitive perception (X1) 28.8%, affective perception (X2) 40.6%, and conative perception (X3) 39.0%, was determined by multiple linear regression analysis. According to the test results of the coefficient of determination (R2), the association between a perceptual factor and interest was determined to be 73.7%.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.1.2023.2 
Serial No. 3
Title : An Analysis of Company Experience and Macroeconomic Turmoil in Predicting Corporate Distress (An Empirical Study of Property and Real Estate Companies in Indonesia)
Author(s): Seflidiana Roza; Tafdil Husni; Mansyuri Hamidi; Endrizal Ridwan; Mohamad Nasir Saludin
Abstract: This study aims to find out and evaluate how company experience and economic turmoil could influence the corporate distress of real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 1998 to 2019. Using panel data logistic regression analysis, it was found that experience proxied by company age had a significantly negative effect on corporate distress prediction. Then, macroeconomic turmoil proxied by seeing the fluctuations in economic growth was made as a dummy variable which was determined by 0 for the contraction condition and 1 for the expansion condition. These conditions were seen from the changes or ups and downs of economic growth. This study revealed that macroeconomic turmoil had a significant effect on corporate distress prediction. With a negative coefficient, it means that in the condition of expansion, the probability of a company experiencing corporate distress is smaller.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.1.2023.4 
Serial No. 4
Title : The Trend of Women Enjoying Coffee; Coffee Shop Consumption Behaviour Model During the Pandemic and After the Covid-19 Pandemic Based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour
Author(s): Agriqisthi; Rasidah Nasrah; Mohamad Nasir Saludin
Abstract: Covid-19 is a challenge that must be faced by businesses. When the pandemic occurred in Indonesia, every business person needed to maintain the resilience of the business being managed Not only coffee shops, the pandemic has also affected the behavior of coffee consumers. So this study aims to determine consumer behavior, especially women towards coffee during the pandemic and after the pandemic. This study uses a quantitative research method, which can be counted using statistical methods. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires in 2020. The results showed that women's consumption attitudes related to coffee during the pandemic were significantly influenced by the variables of apathy, perceived control, and intention to behave. The most visible difference in consumer behavior is the reduction in female consumers coming directly to coffee shops due to the pandemic. And during the new normal era, the coffee shop was open offline but with limitations. Consumers who come directly to coffee shops need to pay attention to regulations that must be obeyed. During the Covid-19, coffee consumers preferred to order online. And the new normal period did not simply return people's living conditions to normal. Purchasing power for goods and services is very less. This indicates a change in consumer behavior patterns in the new normal era of consuming a product.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.1.2023.5 
Serial No. 5
Title : The Impact of Multifactor Leadership Style and Organizational Performance toward Employee Performance: A Case Study of Harbin Institute of Technology, Heilongjiang, China
Author(s): Liu Zijia
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of multi-factor leadership style and organizational culture on employee performance at Harbin Institute of Technology The quantitative approach with a five-point Likert scale questionnaire was used to determine the level, the relationship, and influence of multi-factor leadership style and organizational culture on employee performance. A sample size of 144 respondents was selected from the organization of this study. The set of questionnaires was distributed to the employees of the Harbin Institute of Technology located in Heilongjiang Province, China. In analyzing data collection, SPSS software Version 23 was used. Descriptive Analysis was applied to find the level of the variables in the study and Pearson’s correlation and regression analysis were used to find the relationship and the influence of the predictor variables on the response variable.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.1.2023.6 
Serial No. 6
Title : Change Management Strategies: A study at Guangdong Technology College, China
Author(s): Pan Xinxin
Abstract: Change management nowadays is been treated as a norm in the organization. This study has been conducted at Guangdong Technology College, China. The change management that happens here was when the management decided to implement the Quality Environment/5S on the campus. While there was resistance from the staff in the beginning, slowly once the main committee has started their strategies, the staff began to accept the change. There were a series of strategies implemented in ensuring the activities be successful. This paper will be explaining on the steps taken during the change management and as a result the goal setting.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.1.2023.7 
Serial No. 7
Title : Model of Change Management Using ADKAR Model in Organization: A Case Study of International College of Yunnan Minzu University, China
Author(s): Dao Mengsha
Abstract: Organizations implement change management strategies or models for many reasons. For those organizations competing in the world market where competitors come from many countries, change management is firmly required to have a competitive edge in the market. Change is a complex and ongoing process that could take time, expertise, dedication, and effort to make it happen. Change requires the involvement of people or staff of the organization and wittingly affects these people through those changes. Change management is the application of structured approaches or strategies and planning frameworks to move an organization or business from its current state to its desired state. Change management is about initiating, designing, planning, implementing, reviewing change activities, and sustaining those changes made. In this case study, the author adopts a checklist model using the ADKAR (Jeff Hiatt 2003) approach for the International College of Yunnan Minzu University, China.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.1.2023.8 
Serial No. 8
Title : The Effect of Workload, Role Ambiguity, and Work Environment on Employee Cyber-loafing Behavior: Case Study on Ming Yang Wind Power Group Limited, China
Author(s): Du Zelong
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of workload, role ambiguity, and work environment on the cyber-loafing behaviour of employees at Ming Yang Wind Power Group Limited. The study uses quantitative methods with data collection techniques through the distribution of questionnaires. The sample in this study is based on 150 employees of four selected Ming Yang Wind Power Group Limited using the random sampling method. The data analysis technique used is the multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 20. The data analysis method used is the data quality test, classic assumption test, hypothesis test, and coefficient of determination (R²). The results of this study indicate that workload, role Ambiguity, and work environment affect cyber-loafing behaviour simultaneously, and are significant towards the behaviour as indicated by the level of significance of F <α (0,000 <0.05), with an adjusted R2of 0.32. This means that the contribution or weightage of workload, role ambiguity, and work environment toward cyber-loafing behaviour is 32%.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.1.2023.9 
Serial No. 9
Title : Design of Human Resource Information System as Human Resource Management Learning Innovation
Author(s): Yudit Ayu Respati; Wahyu Rusdiyanto; Fajar Wahyu Nugroho; Joko Kumoro
Abstract: This study aims to determine the urgency of the human resource information system (HRIS) practicum and to design HRIS as an innovation in human resource management learning. The research was conducted in Yogyakarta Province. This research is development research (Research and Development) with the ADDIE models (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implementation and Evaluation). The subjects of this research are lecturers with HR management expertise, lecturers who have taught HR management courses, and students who had taken HR management courses. Data collection techniques used are interviews and focus group discussions. The development procedure used is analyze and design. Based on the analysis stage, it is known that HRIS is necessary and important to be a practicum content in HR management courses. The design or design of the required HRIS includes an employee database, employee attendance, payroll, and performance appraisal.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.1.2023.10 
Serial No. 10
Title : Formalization of Informal Sector Business Enterprises and Accessibility to Social Security Services by Workers in Uganda's Informal Sector
Author(s):Abdu Kakaire
Abstract: The study examined the effect of the formalization of informal sector business enterprises on accessibility to social security services by workers in Uganda’s informal sector. This study was motivated by the persistent concerns and outcry by stakeholders over the inadequate access to social security services by workers in the informal sector despite the sector’s huge contribution to the country’s economic development. Moreover, the study adopted a quantitative research approach and employed a descriptive correlational research design. Quantitative data were collected using the questionnaire method from 302 respondents who were randomly selected from the informal sector and analyzed using descriptive and regression analysis methods. Findings revealed that registration of informal sector businesses (B=.166; p=.001), accessibility to finances (B=.329; p=.000), and informal sector regulatory policies (B=263; p=.000) have a statistically significant effect on the accessibility to social security services. However, overall, the study revealed that formalization (R=.616; R2=.379; p=.000) has a significant influence on accessibility to social security services in the informal sector in Uganda. Therefore, it was concluded that other factors remaining constant, formalization of informal business enterprises would enhance accessibility to social security services by workers in Uganda’s informal sector. Thus, the study recommends that stakeholders need up all efforts aimed at formalizing the informal sector to enhance accessibility to social security services by workers in Uganda’s informal economy.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.1.2023.11 
Serial No. 11
Title : The Relationship Between the Physical Education Teachers' Job Satisfaction, Personality Traits, Leadership Behavior, And Influence Job Performance Secondary Physical Educations Teachers in Selangor State
Author(s): Abdullah Khalid Salaudin; Azlan Ahmad Kamal; Mawarni Mohammad
Abstract: This research aims to investigate Selangor secondary school physical education teachers’ job performance and the influencing factors of job satisfaction, personality traits, and leadership behavior toward their job performance at work. This research uses the quantitative method and is supported by the quantitative thorough interview with 6 selected PE teachers from six types of schools in Selangor under the method. A sample size of 289 was selected through two-staged random sampling to represent the target population. Based on the research objectives of this study, data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics such as frequency analysis, descriptive analysis, and, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation analysis. The theory that has been used in this research “Campbell for job performance”, The Big Five Model’ (McCrae & Costa, 1997) to measure personality traits. The University of Michigan and the Ohio State University sought to identify the leadership behaviors that result in effective performance. This concept of job satisfaction is by John Locke. The first objective of the study aimed to examine the level of job performance, job satisfaction, personality traits, and leadership behavior of the PE teachers’ superior of the respondents. The objective is to identify the relationship between personality traits, job satisfaction, and leadership behavior toward job performance. Personality traits showed the highest correlation to the level of job performance of PE school teachers. In addition, the analysis also showed that these teachers' job performance might be strongly affected by their co-workers, promotion, pay, and communication. Nature of work, benefit, supervision, reward, and operation condition might also be other factors that influenced this PE education teachers’ job satisfaction towards their work. The higher level of openness seemed to be parallel to the level of job performance. The leadership behavior of the superior shows a positive impact on the PE secondary school teachers’ performance as well. Surprisingly their job satisfaction showed the lowest significance towards their job performance. The finding also shows the relationship between job satisfaction, personality traits, and leadership behavior on job performance was linear and significantly positive. The finding of this study would greatly benefit the Ministry of Education (MOE), particularly in planning for better strategies and also new policies in implementing the Education Development Blueprint 2013 – 2025. Indeed, this study highlighted the need for MOE and immediate school administrators to constantly provide necessary support and to better understand PE education teachers’ personality traits. These might not only motivate PE teachers but also help them to be satisfied with their jobs.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/2.1.2023.12 
Serial No. 12
Title : Impact of Information Sharing on Actual Purchase Intention on TikTok Among Women in Malaysia: Based on Technology Affordance
Author(s): He Dan; Shahrul Nazmi Sannusi; Ammar Redza Bin Ahmad Rizal
Abstract: With the increased prevalence of social media usage, Malaysian female consumers hugely rely on reviews and information on TikTok. This application's popularity is enhancing, making it a critical technique for many businesses to grow and reach the target audience. For this reason, their purchase intention also depends on the knowledge received through TikTok about any product in the form of advertisements, reviews, etc. The present study has applied a quantitative research design to investigate the phenomenon. Female consumers in Malaysia were approached for data collection. 500 questionnaires were distributed among them, out of which 432 were received as complete and adequate response sheets. Data were analyzed through SPSS and AMOS. Results indicated a significant association between NAV and IS, IS and PI, and PI and AP. The research holds numerous theoretical and practical significance as it extends the literature related to the technological impact on purchase intentions and the growth of businesses. The practical insights of the study lie in the information it conveys to Malaysian marketing or advertising agencies to divert their focus from traditional mediums of promotion towards TikTok advertisements and influencer marketing.