Serial No. 1
Title: Development of Navigating Excellence: An Integrative Approach to Supply Chain Management in Contemporary Business
Author(s): Muhamad Fairos Mohamad Shah
Abstract: In an era characterized by globalization, technological advancements, and heightened customer expectations, effective supply chain management (SCM) stands as a cornerstone for organizational success. This abstract provides a succinct overview of a comprehensive study that explores the intricacies of supply chain dynamics within the broader context of business and management. The research objective aims to investigate the challenges, opportunities, and strategic considerations associated with SCM, offering insights that contribute to both academic discourse and practical applications for businesses. The study employs a qualitative methods research design, combining qualitative interviews with key stakeholders and a qualitative survey distributed across diverse industries. The qualitative phase involves in-depth interviews with supply chain managers, industry experts, and business leaders. Thematic analysis of these interviews aims to uncover nuanced perspectives on the challenges faced in SCM, the strategies employed to address these challenges, and the perceived impact on overall business performance. By finding and exploring the role of technology, collaboration, and sustainability within the supply chain, this study seeks to provide actionable recommendations for organizations aiming to optimize their SCM processes. As businesses strive to navigate the evolving landscape of global markets, this research contributes to the development of a holistic framework for excellence in supply chain management. The outcomes of this study aim to inform both scholars and practitioners, fostering a deeper understanding of SCM's strategic significance and offering practical insights for organizations seeking to enhance their competitiveness and resilience in the face of contemporary challenges.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/3.1.2024.1 
Serial No. 2
Title: Portability of Social Security Saving Rights and Benefits and the Quality of Life of Migrant Workers After Retirement
Author(s): Abdu Kakaire; Ibrahim Dafala; Ayub Namigugu; Zubayiri Mavabi
Abstract: This study assessed the effect of portability, specifically maintenance, transfer and preservation of social security saving rights and benefits on the quality of life of migrant workers after retirement. Indeed, the study was undertaken in the face of persistent concerns and complaints raised by stakeholders over the quality-of-life migrant workers lead after retirement. The study employed a quantitative research approach and adopted a descriptive research design. Data were collected from 132 respondents including migrant workers employed with Ugandan universities, other formal and informal workplaces and trade unions using a survey questionnaire. Moreover, the study used simple random sampling design during the selection of participants while data obtained were analyzed using multiple regression analysis technique using SPSS software. Findings revealed that maintenance (β = 0.263; p = 0.000 < 0.05) and transfer (β = 0.569, p = 0.000 < 0.05) of social security saving rights and benefits have a statistically significant effect on the quality of life of migrant workers after retirement while preservation (β = 0.119, p = 0.272 > 0.05) had a positive but insignificant effect on the quality of life of migrant workers after retirement. Therefore, other factors remaining constant, we conclude that maintenance and transfer of social security saving rights and benefits affect the quality of life of migrant workers while preservation does not. We therefore recommend that government of Uganda should come up with a clear portability legal framework in order to enhance the portability of social security saving rights and benefits which migrant workers acquire from private, occupational and/or public social security schemes to others irrespective of their nationality and country of residence.
DOI :10.38198/JMS/3.1.2024.2 
Serial No. 3
Title: An Institutional Theory-Based Approach to Government Policies on Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives by Telecommunication Companies in Nigeria
Author(s): Abubakar Isah Hassan; Nurhidayah Abdullah; Norma Mansor
Abstract: Achieving Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) require effective implementation of government policies in a bid to ensure satisfactory compliant by various key players of the economy. However, Nigeria has yet to implement sustainable policies to effectively evaluate the success of CSR implementation especially in the telecommunications sector. This study investigates the drivers of CSR policies in Nigeria's telecommunication sector. It applies institutional theory to assess CSR practices of key players in telecommunication sector including the Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC), Airtel, Etisalat, Globacom, and MTN. A total of 369 responses were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Members of staff of the organizations, government officials and some mobile users were selected as the respondents. Additional responses were analysed and compared with the information obtained from their individual websites. The results were mixed, revealing that firms engage in CSR due to government encouragement, profit motives, and social enhancement. Organizational, governmental, social factors, and tax regulations were also found to drive CSR involvement. The government's role in fostering CSR through an enabling business environment, CSR laws, regulation, and policy formulation was identified. However, compliance with existing CSR laws was weak, as regulatory bodies lacked proper enforcement, and penalties for non-compliance. The study recommends establishing measurement standards to hold corporations accountable for their CSR actions preventing casual benefit from public facilities.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/3.1.2024.3 
Serial No. 4
Title: Changing face of Authority figures and Influencers in the new age: A Study of New Emerging Practices in the Indian Advertising Industry
Author(s): Saurav Kumar
Abstract: Advertising is the key focus because it plays a pivotal role at the junction where the economy and culture interact. Advertising trends have evolved from the quintessentially traditional print ads and TV spots to new marketing strategies that include QR codes, co-branding, content marketing and online advertising. While print and TV are steadfast in the ad industry, new technology is opening new avenues to reach consumers. India’s ad revenue is expected to grow by a subdued 12% to $17.3 billion in 2023, according to a report by advertising agency GroupM. In marketing, authority figures can have a significant influence on customer decisions. Endorsements from celebrities, experts, or even satisfied customers can add credibility to a product or service. This can lead to increased sales and brand loyalty. Moreover, Influencer collaboration has moved beyond the status of merely being an improvement in the dynamic world of modern marketing, and has instead established itself as a crucial component of a well-planned marketing strategy. Leading organizations now assign particular budgets designed for influencer marketing campaigns in an effort to stay at the very forefront of industry trends. Every firm appears to be eager to utilize influencer marketing to its fullest potential as the market matures and changes. The research aims to propose an in-depth review on the strategic change happening in the Indian advertising industry in relation to the use of authority figures and influencers for promotional activities.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/3.1.2024.4 
Serial No. 5
Title: The Correlations of Emotional Intelligence Towards the Quality of Work Life
Author(s): Fatin Aina Leong Abdullah
Abstract: Study on emotional intelligence has been widely researched on especially for the behavioural investigation and its influence on various individual’s performance, social interactions and work life eminence. Recent research indicates that emotions play an integral part in leadership behaviours, work performance, managing workplace situations. This research aims to examine the correlations that emotional intelligence has towards the individual’s quality of work life. Sixty-three support staffs from local university in Malaysia participated in this study. A quantitative method was adapted, and the descriptive, correlation, and reliability tests were used for data analysis. This study used 33-items emotional intelligence scales, and 11-items of quality of work life questionnaires were used to obtain data. Results indicated that there was a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and the quality of work life. The quality of work life dimension of social integration emerged as slightly significant with respect to the relationship with emotional intelligence especially strong with the utilizing emotion.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/3.1.2024.5 
Serial No.6
Title: The Shariah Committee’s Perspective on the Disclosure of Islamic Financial transaction in Malaysian Islamic Banks’ Financial Statements
Author(s): Sarimah Ahmad; Ahmed Razman Abdul Latif
Abstract: The Compliance of Islamic banking with Shariah is crucial, since Shariah compliant is the fundamental differences between Islamic banking and conventional banking. In regards with the preparing of the financial statement, the Islamic bank is required under Islamic Financial Service Act 2013 to prepare its financial statements in accordance with the Malaysian Financial Reporting Standard (MFRS) which is fully complied with International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS). However, the suitability of the MFRS is questionable due to the inability of IFRS to cater unique characteristics of the Islamic financial transactions. Thus, this study aims to investigate the perception of Shariah committee on the disclosure of Islamic financial transaction in Malaysian Islamic banks’ financial statement. In order to achieve the objective, this study adopt qualitative research method. The content analysis technique was also used to develop themes in this study. The finding reveals three imperative themes concerning the disclosure of the Islamic financial transactions. Firstly, Shariah committee’s perspective on accounting practices for Islamic financial transactions in Malaysian Islamic banks. Secondly, Shariah committee’s perspective on Islamic financial transactions disclosure in financial statements. Thirdly, Shariah committee role pertaining to financial statement in Islamic banks.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/3.1.2024.6 
Serial No. 7
Title: The Impact of Financial Liberalization on National Economy of Nepal: An Application of ARDL Model
Author(s): Bhisma Raj Dhungana; Muhammad Rashaad Bakashmar; Nor Hazila Mohd Zain; Raghu Bir Bista
Abstract: This paper studies the impact of financial liberalization on economic growth in Nepal. Based on the time series data sets of GDP, GCF and FLI over 46 years collected from Nepal Rastra Bank, Ministry of Finance, and the World Bank, the paper employed ARDL model and descriptive statistics method. The paper found the short-term relationship between financial liberalization and economic growth. The relationship is positive in all four financial reforms in the different periods. However, the relationship between financial reform and economic growth in 1990 and 2004 are ambiguous, despite their positive marginal effects. Similarly, financial liberalization index (FLI) and real interest have not significant and FLI has not positive impact on economic growth. The result is validated by expansionary descriptive statistics of number of financial institutions, growing credit investment, increasing ATM users and mobilization of resources in the economy. Therefore, the financial liberalization is a good driver having multiplier impact on economic growth but parameters of financial liberalization have not cascaded effects and automatic propelling effects on economic growth for predictable sustainable economic growth. Therefore, the slow and scattered propelling and cascading effects of parameters of financial liberalization are big challenges in Nepalese economy to minimize the risks of unpredictable uncertainty and instability in the banking sector. The results lead further sustainable, certain and predictable financial reforms for cascading and self-propelling effects on economic growth. Therefore, the government of Nepal should continue financial liberalization process for improving fair financial competition and credit investment on productive sectors for maintaining financial stability, economic growth and the welfare of the poor.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/3.1.2024.7 
Serial No. 8
Title: The Moderation Effect of Officer Gender, Rank and Job Tenure on Community Policing Malaysia Towards Job Satisfaction Among Police Officers in Klang Valley Malaysia
Author(s): Dato’ Sik Poh Meng; Pat Kam Seng
Abstract: This study set out to investigate the connection between officer work satisfaction and the application of community policing. It also looked at the beneficial effects of the community on the workplace that could raise officer satisfaction. The research overview given in the next chapter presents a range of findings from community and traditional policing with particular reference to positively impacting officer job satisfaction. It is part of the public sector, monitor by the government under Ministry of Home Affairs. As the part of the public sectors in Malaysia, Members of the Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) are urged to continue to improve the quality of their work and provide the best service to the community in line with the government's wishes. Even though community policing has proven successful and effective in many different societies around the world, it is still unclear what factors are universally recognized as being relevant to officer commitment. Accordingly, what are the specific factors that influence officials in Malaysia to accept or reject community policing, and how similar are these factors to those in other parts of the world. Generally, the public were not satisfied with the service delivery by the police force. Therefore, efforts to improve the attitudes of police personnel and reforming them in the job areas should be prolong and continued by the government in order to achieve public satisfaction. The overall Alpha Cronbach is .950 point. For each construct, the result shows the Job Satisfaction with a .919 point, and Community Policing with a .879 point respectively. This shows that the questionnaires can be administrated to the see the relationship between officer gender, ranking and tenure to the application of community policing towards officer job satisfaction and the among RMP personnel in Klang Valley, Malaysia.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/3.1.2024.8 
Serial No. 9
Title: The Relationship Between Class Attendance and The Effectiveness of the Learning Process at Kyambogo University in Uganda
Author(s): Katumba Faisal
Abstract: As Internet technology continues to advance, devices, websites and software are becoming increasingly important in daily lives. Social media in particular plays an important role among Internet users. Social media platforms are used for a variety of purposes, such as creating and sharing blogs, photos and videos, and finding news and information. For students, social media has become an integral part of their lives, with some students spending several hours a day on these platforms. The way in which social media is used and what it is used for has had a significant impact on the lives and studies of the students. At the same time, the digital literacy skills that students possess are critical to the use of social media. It is closely related to a user's ability to recognize, understand and appreciate online media content. For students who use social media for academic purposes, their level of digital literacy directly impacts their ability to effectively search for and understand information. In addition, students' self-efficacy is important to consider when influencing their academic performance. Social media use and users' level of digital literacy greatly influence their beliefs about their abilities (self-efficacy), which are closely related to their academic performance. This study aims to investigate the mediating role of students' self-efficacy in the relationship between their social media usage, digital literacy level, and academic performance in higher education.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/3.1.2024.9 
Serial No. 10
Title: Mega trends Informing the Teaching - Learning Process in Higher Education
Author(s): Katumba Faisal
Abstract: Higher Education Institutions are experiencing increasing pressure to undergo transformation since education is becoming a conceptual necessity of our time to improve the student learning and demonstrate program effectiveness. The aim of this article is to describe the teaching-learning process as it takes place in higher institutions of learning using the various new expertise so as to improve on higher education application around the world. The article will also consider various inter-related concepts that are associated with student learning in higher education after a review of subsequent studies that illustrate the most important developments in the teaching-learning process. This research will be a guide for higher education managers, administrators, policy makers, and technocrats to take informed decisions about the technology to improve, support, or extend teaching-learning process, through a creative inquiry in higher education across the globe and also comparing knowledge management between universities and intermediate colleges in the educational sector.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/3.1.2024.10 
Serial No. 11
Title: The Effect of Achievement Goal Orientation on Academic Achievement of Vocational University Students
Author(s): Shao Minwei; Suraya Amirrudin
Abstract: In the field of education, it is crucial to understand students' achievement goal orientations and their impact on academic achievement. The purpose of this study was to explore the characteristics of Chinese vocational students' achievement goal orientations (AGO) and analyze their impact on academic achievement. The results showed that there was a close relationship between students' achievement goal orientations and their academic achievement, with mastery goals and performance approach goals positively predicting academic achievement, while the relationship between performance avoidance goals and academic achievement was not significant. Studying the achievement goal orientations of vocational students can provide a better understanding of students' sources of motivation, which in turn can provide educators with more effective interventions to promote students' academic development.
DOI : 10.38198/JMS/3.1.2024.11 
Serial No. 12
Title: An Investigation into The Quality Working Life Among Fast Food Restaurant Employees
Author(s): Adam Suffian Mohd Salleh; Nur Iman Hashim; Nadzirah Mohd Fauzid
Abstract: The study investigates the quality of working life among fast food restaurant employees, highlighting the stress and chaos of the work environment and the perceived irrationality and arrogance of managers. The literature review identifies factors influencing quality working life, such as fair wages, recognition, promotions, and overall employee well-being. An initial survey of twenty fast food employees in Kajang Town assessed satisfaction based on salary, position, time, and environment. Results indicated that the work environment significantly impacts job satisfaction. The research is limited to fast food employees in Kajang Town, focusing on major chains like KFC, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Burger King, and Subway. The study found that time, salary, position, and environment are critical variables affecting employees' quality of working life. Recommendations for improvement are based on Total Quality Management (TQM) principles, emphasizing employee benefits and the relationship between time and salary, and position and responsibility. The study suggests a need for more comprehensive research and emphasizes the importance of addressing employees' needs and well-being to enhance productivity and job satisfaction in fast food restaurants.